Regular Services - Sunday mornings at 10:30am

Kid Ministry on Sunday mornings - Nursery, Preschool, Elementary School

Kid’s Gathering: Sarah Dafler

Nursery Coordinator: Lindsey Meredith

Interested in helping out? Talk to Sarah or Lindsey on a Sunday morning or email

Teen Involvement -

Young Life:

Campaigners, a casual co-ed Bible study, meets Mondays at 6:30.

Club, a fun, high-energy hangout, meets Wednesdays at 7:00.

See “Partners” page for more information (including location).

Burg Impact:

Impact is a group of high school age students (mostly athletes but not required) that meet two Sunday evenings a month during the school year. They share a meal and discuss what it means to be an athlete and a Christian. They share time in God’s word and listing to various speakers.

See “Partners” page for more information (including location).

House Churches -

We not only meet Sunday mornings as entire body, but also another weeknight for a closer discipleship and faith-sharing group called house church. Our house churches currently meet on Wednesday and Thursday. If interested, speak with someone from the leadership team or fill out the form on the contact page.

The Greenhouse Miamisburg / 1999 Belvo Rd. Miamisburg, OH 45342 / 937-847-2407